Children First Derby would like to thank The UPS Foundation for their generous $20,000 grant to fund three ‘Reach for Wellbeing Programmes’.
The unique, fun eight-week courses are designed to support parents and carers to help improve their mental and physical health as well as help remove isolation and loneliness, build wider support networks, improve self-confidence, and develop parenting skills.
The first two programmes have now successfully run, with the third starting shortly.
The programme aims to provide guidance on general health and wellbeing, develop practical skills and understanding, help establish social support networks to build resilience and help parents to establish a sound and stable environment in order for
them to help their children develop, progress and achieve the best possible outcomes in their lives.
Irshad Baqui, Chief Executive, Children First Derby explained, “The demand we are seeing for support amongst vulnerable families is increasing and the more parents partake in these workshops the less chances of them facing more complex mental health issues.”
The programmes are being delivered in partnership with @beingmeorganisation, a local not-for-profit mental health support organisation, who deliver friendly and informative sessions tailored to needs of participants. The weekly sessions cover topics including mental health, social connections, exercise, sleep, confidence, and cooking.
Irshad added, “The programme will have a positive impact on parental mental health which will have a long-term benefit on family life and the child’s well-being. The environment in which children and young people grow affects their development and emotional well-being, and children of parents with any mental illness are at risk a range of mental health problems, including mood disorders, alcoholism, and personality disorders.”
To compliment the courses links will be provided to useful wellbeing apps and signposting to additional services, as well as a selection of free self-help books and recipe bags for participants to takeaway.